Modeling is an important step in the engineering process. Students will create a model of an object of their choice using LEGOs, giving them skills and practice in technigues used by professionals. The students should sketch as they build their objects. This activity will facilitate a discussion on models and there usefulness.
LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY [1 = Least Difficult : 5 = Most Difficult]
3- Average
30 minutes
None, if the classroom is supplied with LEGOs
WHAT WILL THE STUDENTS LEARN?2.1 Identify a problem that reflects the need for shelter, storage, or convenience.
2.2 Describe different ways in which a problem can be represented, i.e., sketches, diagrams, graphic organizers and lists.
2.3 Identify relevant design features (i.e., size, shape, weight) for building a prototype of a solution to a given problem.
Students will learn what a scale model is and how to construct one. They will also learn about the uses for scale models and why they are produced.BACKGROUND INFORMATION:
SCALE: the size of a picture, plan, or model of a thing compared to the size of the thing itself
MODEL: a small but exact copy of something
SKETCH: a rough drawing representing the chief features of an object or scene
RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: - for information on scale modeling - provides links to several modeling websites
Obtain LEGOs
Obtain or make a scale model of something the students will be familiar with.
Have the students choose what object they are going to model (you might want to have objects that they pick from, this will help to alleviate the students picking something that is to difficult to accomplish in the time provided).
1. Explain to students what a scale model is. Show the class your example and
discuss with the class why they think that engineers would need to make models
before making the real thing.
2. Have students work alone or in pairs to build a scale model using LEGOs,
also have students sketch the object as they build it.
3. You may choose to have students build something specific or have it be open-ended.
An easy criterion is to have students build something that is in the classroom,
that way they have the object in front of them and there are a variety of objects
to choose. Students could also bring an object in from home if you wish. The
focus of this activity can be based on a theme or it can be open ended
What is a scale model?REFERENCES:
How can you depict an object without the actual object?
Why are scale models useful?
Where are they used?
What did you build?
How did you build it?
What is its function(s)?
What other material would you use for the life-size version?
See Associated Download.
See Associated Download.